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16.3°C clear sky

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Update: MV Maystar

03 / 12 / 08

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The Indian crew members of the “Maystar” will be flying home soon but the fate of the five Bangladeshi crew members is still undecided. The sixteen mariners have abandoned the Cambodian registered vessel 26 miles off Malta as she lost her stability on Monday evening due to a fault in her ballast tanks.

Mr Yohan Cuschieri, India’s Consul to Malta, intervened immediately on their arrival, and after spending a night at a hotel, is making arrangements to repatriate them; the consulate/Indian government covering the expenses. The first group leaves this afternoon. On the other hand, the Bangladeshi mariners are unlucky as their consul in Malta is abroad, although attempts have been made to ask Bangladeshi Embassy in Tripoli to pay for their flights. In the meantime, the crew members are still at AFM’s base in Hay Wharf.

The 52 year old Indian captain of the vessel was thankful that all lives have been saved and had words of praise for the AFM who picked up the distress call and salvaged the crew.

Regretfully the crew members have no agent to look after their interests.  It was reported that something went wrong because the vessel failed to turn up last week as was expected, and the agency said that they were no longer representing the vessel and her crew.

Meanwhile the “Maystar” is being towed to Malta although it is not sure whether the vessel will be allowed to enter the port.

Update: MV Maystar

03 / 12 / 08

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The Indian crew members of the “Maystar” will be flying home soon but the fate of the five Bangladeshi crew members is still undecided. The sixteen mariners have abandoned the Cambodian registered vessel 26 miles off Malta as she lost her stability on Monday evening due to a fault in her ballast tanks.

Mr Yohan Cuschieri, India’s Consul to Malta, intervened immediately on their arrival, and after spending a night at a hotel, is making arrangements to repatriate them; the consulate/Indian government covering the expenses. The first group leaves this afternoon. On the other hand, the Bangladeshi mariners are unlucky as their consul in Malta is abroad, although attempts have been made to ask Bangladeshi Embassy in Tripoli to pay for their flights. In the meantime, the crew members are still at AFM’s base in Hay Wharf.

The 52 year old Indian captain of the vessel was thankful that all lives have been saved and had words of praise for the AFM who picked up the distress call and salvaged the crew.

Regretfully the crew members have no agent to look after their interests.  It was reported that something went wrong because the vessel failed to turn up last week as was expected, and the agency said that they were no longer representing the vessel and her crew.

Meanwhile the “Maystar” is being towed to Malta although it is not sure whether the vessel will be allowed to enter the port.